Events & gatherings
In this section there are reports and resources related to recent and past gatherings exploring the convergence between agroecology and urban food movements
Don't miss this upcoming organised by Maddy and Jeremy as part of the PING (Policy Influencers Network Group) webinar series, with a lot of great projects, ideas and visions being shared. I will be talking about the Agroecological Urbanism vision and the way we are taking this forward through the Landed Community Kitchens project.
You can register here before the event, or if you have missed it, you can watch it as soon as it is uploaded on UAC YouTube channel.
Roma, 1-3 Marzo 2024, Città dell'Altra Economia
Conferenza Contadina "Cambiare il campo". Conferenza per la convergenza agroecologica e sociale.
I was invited to speak at the opening plenary for this event, trying for the first time to build an Italian convergence of farmers, researchers and third sector organisations politically engaged in building agroecology and radically transforming the food and farming system. This was a truly powerful event, with four times the number of expected participants, including a multitude of peasant farmers and land workers. You can watch mine and the other speakers' contributions here (Facebook live, in Italian), and keep an eye on the webpage for any follow up here. A constituting assembly has been called for the 25 May 2024.
Leeds, 2 Feb 2024, Woodhouse Community Centre
Myself, Maddy Longhurst (Urban Agriculture Conrtium) and Aryo Feldman (former peri-urban farming coordinator at Sustain), organised this first national gathering of LANDED COMMUNITY KITCHENS. We brought together coalitions of agroecological farmers and food sovereignty and food justice oriented community kitchens in the North of England, alongside other third sector organisations (i.e. food partnership organisers, policy influencers, members of LWA and CSA Network) with the aim to share knowledge and co-design a research project together. We are applying to further funding to keep resourcing this project. If you are interested in being involved, drop me an email.